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4 ways professors can promote social changes in the classroom


Students need to write about many things frequently during school and college. Students learn a lot, such as deciding on solve my assignment online to completing assignments on time while writing homework.

Here we discuss four ways professors can induce social changes with the help of various homework –

1. Encourage active participation among the students

One of the most unfortunate features of today’s education system is teachers prefer to rely more on paper-based progress rather than overall learning of the mind. Unfortunately, this method of memorizing dates and definitions can never bring the positive change we want to see in our society.

The professors must construct a learning environment where every student is encouraged to participate. For example, professors can arrange a group discussion for programming homework help students understand the importance of teamwork. The brain-storming sessions facilitate enhanced learning for the students.

2. Teach students how to think and not what to think

This is such a crucial point that it seems simple yet difficult to implement. The toll of traditional learning methods is so deep-rooted that we fail to use our common sense and logical thinking ability. The teachers always instruct the students and spoon-feed what to read and write. This must stop. Encourage the students to free their minds. Guide them in the right direction and ask them to come up with their own questions.

3. Encourage the students to experiment

Our life is all about facing and experiencing new things. That must be the approach of professors while teaching the students in the classroom. For example, encourage all the students to experiment with the possibilities while providing them Chemistry Homework Help Online. The more the students will experiment, the more they will learn about the vast world of chemistry.

Similarly, this experimenting attitude will help students to be more open-minded and analytical, thus improving society.

4. Introduce real-life simulations in the class

A classroom lesson is a success when you can get real-life lessons from it. You can be highly educated, but true "learning" only comes from practical examples. Instead of getting economics homework help, you can mimic real-life situations of a market. The teacher can ask the students to act as buyers and sellers and ask them to negotiate for a product. These are some of the ways the professors can implement the new methods to induce social changes in the classroom. Understanding the basics of pricing, demand, and supply will clear the concepts of economics. Negotiation skills can also prepare you to face the real world.

Students, as well as teachers, often miss out on the fact that the educational impact of these home assignments isn't limited within the classroom. As the philosopher John Dewey correctly said, "Education is not a preparation for life but is life itself.” Professors can induce social changes in the classroom following the methods discussed above.


Students must be guided and mentored to ask questions, to think independently instead of study materials being shoved down their throats. They should try to bring in social changes right from the classrooms with the techniques mentioned above.

Author Bio:

Alvin Louis is an assignment writer working for for the last six years. He loves to play cricket in his free time.

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